Wk 35 Electronics Supply Chain Digest

Electronics Supply Chain Weekly Digest 08-25-23

DATAPOINT OF THE WEEK: S&P reported August Eurozone Flash mfg PMI of 43.7 vs. 42.7 in July and Germany mfg PMI of 39.1 vs 38.8 in July both reflecting a continued decline in output, new orders, and backlog, and stalling employment amid a gloomier outlook, which slid to the lowest level this year. Notably, the weakness in the mfg sector is seen spilling over to services with Eurozone services dipping below 50 for the first time since 2020. In Japan, August preliminary PMI came in at 49.7 vs 49.6 in July reflecting shrinking new orders and output for the third straight month. In the US, S&P flash PMI data deteriorated with August mfg PMI reading of 47.0 vs. 49.0 in July reflecting declines in output and new orders and purchases of input materials. US services PMI declined to 51.0 from 52.3, the lowest in 6 months but remained in expansionary territory.   







PC market is witnessing intense price pressure due to weak end demand despite the recent normalization of inventory

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