Wk 36 Electronics Supply Chain Digest

Electronics Supply Chain Weekly Digest 09-01-23

DATAPOINT OF THE WEEK: S&P reported Eurozone Aug mfg PMI of 43.5 vs. 42.7 in July and Germany mfg PMI of 39.1 vs. 38.8 in July both reflecting continued suppressed conditions with plummeting new orders, rapidly depleting backlogs decline in employment levels and slashed purchasing activity as companies focus on running down stocks. In the US, S&P reported Aug mfg PMI of 47.9 vs. 49.0 in July signaling worsening conditions with a sharper fall in new orders, output, and backlog but still stable employment and improving inflationary pressure. Conversely, ISM reported Aug PMI of 47.6 vs 46.4 in July signaling a slight improvement but continued sluggishness with a continued drop in new orders but an uptick in output. In China mfg PMI numbers were more encouraging with government data for Aug showing an uptick to 49.7 from 49.5 in July and private Caixin PMI increasing to 51.0 from 49.2 in July, marking the return to expansion territory for the first time in 4 months.  








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