EEE Components Qualification Challenges and Approaches for Cryogenic Temperature

This paper on Qualification Challenges and Approaches for Cryogenic Temperature Testing of EEE Components in the ESA ARIEL Science Mission presented by Manuel Sánchez Ruiz, Alter Technology, Spain received BEST PAPER AWARD during the 5th Space Passive Component Days (SPCD), an International Symposium held from October 15th to 18th, 2024, at ESA/ESTEC in Noordwijk, the Netherlands. Published under permission from ESA SPCD organizers.

ESA’s ARIEL mission requires EEE components to withstand extreme temperatures, necessitating careful selection and testing. The testing flow involves cryogenic validation, thermal cycling, and functional characterization to ensure component reliability under mission conditions.  The testing covers a range of components, including passives and cables, to validate their performance in the cold environment of the ARIEL payload.

A testing flow is described for characterizing the performance of electronic components at cryogenic temperatures, specifically focusing on a microswitch manufactured by PETERCEM. The testing involves thermal cycling and electrical measurements at both room temperature and 40K to assess the switch’s functionality and durability.  Initial results show the microswitch successfully switching at 40K with no significant degradation in force-displacement or electrical characteristics.

Testing of European Passive EEE parts at extreme low temperatures aims to create a database for future missions. Initial results from de-risking tests on a PETERCEM microswitch are positive.

Key Points

Qualification Challenges and Approaches for Cryogenic Temperature Testing of EEE Components in the ESA ARIEL Science Mission.


Space Science instrument missions now require EEE parts that can withstand extreme temperatures, reaching as low as 0 Kelvin. To ensure the reliability of these Passive components, careful selection and testing are necessary.

ALTER, as the Components Procurement Parts Agency for the ESA ARIEL science mission, has collaborated with ESA to review and select EEE components. These components are tested at cryogenic temperatures tailored to each subsystem’s requirements. Most subsystems operate between 29K and 100K.

Of these components, passives include capacitors, resistors, connectors, cables, thermistors, thermal sensors, heaters, and switches. This paper describes the qualification approach, highlighting testing challenges. It includes the testing flow, equipment, and results.

Mission Background And Equipment

Ariel (Atmospheric Remote-sensing Infrared Exoplanet Large-survey) is part of ESA’s Cosmic Vision 2015-2025 plan. It continues tasks from the PLATO mission to identify new exoplanets. Ariel’s main goal is to characterize and study exoplanets individually and in groups, correlating their characteristics to their host stars.

Ariel carries a dedicated payload distributed into a Cold Payload Module (PLM) and a Warm Service Module (SVM). The harness connecting the TCU (Telescope Control Unit) in the SVM to the M2M (M2 pointing mechanism) in the PLM works at different temperatures in different locations. Another notable fact is that equipment like the Active Cooler System (ACS) can reach temperatures as low as 29K.

Table 1: ARIEL PLM equipment and temperature ranges

Testing Candidates And Discussion

Many parts, especially connectors and their accessories and cables, will be tested under the same testing plan. This is because the project aims to group parts to reduce test campaigns, significantly lowering the cost and lead time.

Table 2: List of candidate parts for Cryogenic Testing

Testing Flow


The testing flow agreed within the project is shown in Table 3. The sequence is aimed at addressing the performance of the EEE components at the conditions in which they will operate during the mission.

The Table 3. shows the test flow agreed to be performed on these components.

Table 3.: Cryogenic Testing Flow

The minimum operating temperature conditions for the equipment are 29K. However, the parts won’t always work at this temperature, but they will work between 29K and 100K for about 2000 cycles during the mission lifetime. To avoid external stress or failures, the 2000 cycles are replaced by a test at 29K for 1000 hours, which is similar to the 2000 cycles.

Fig.1. PETERCEM switch

The testing is performed at ALTER facilities in Madrid, Spain, by experts using a close-loop Helium cryostat. A vacuum feedthrough connects the parts to the measurement equipment for monitoring electrical characteristics.

A special case of the parts tested is the microswitch manufactured by PETERCEM (FR) – see Fig.1. It will be used to determine the status of the mechanism at cryogenic temperatures.

The characterization of the microswitches at 40 K involved force-displacement and electrical measurements of contact resistance at room temperature. Samples were placed in the test setup without contact with the switching tool to prevent heat dissipation. After cooling to 40 K, manual movement of the linear feedthrough while monitoring the electrical contacts of the switches was performed. The ON-OFF switching will be repeated 5 times for repeatability. Afterwards, parts will be heated until ambient temperature. Finally, force-displacement and electrical measurement of contact resistance at room temperature will be repeated for comparison.


Verification at 40K shows the evolution of the temperature monitored during the cooling with the Helium cryostat and the resistance of the NO (Normally Open) and NC (Normally Close) contacts of the two samples under test. Both samples switched properly repetitively at 40K and at room temperature before and after the cryogenic verification.

The resistance measurements were done with 2 wires connection and therefore it includes the wires and feedthrough resistance. An additional verification of the switching capability was performed during the cooling phase at 70K approximately to verify the correct behaviour of the setup.

Figure 2. Temperature resistance over time during the switch cryogenic testing

In the case of both samples, the NC contacts line starts at a certain value (around 1Ω) and rises to infinity when switching. On the other hand, for the NO contacts, the graphs show the opposite, starting on infinity values and going down to around 1Ω when switching. For practical purposes, the resistance scale on the graphs has been limited to 3Ω, although the data obtained shows correct values.

In relation to the resistance value obtained when contacts are closed, it is of interest to note that it is way higher than 50 mΩ, (contact resistance of the microswitch), which is in line to the fact that the measurements also account for the feedthrough and the cables resistance.

The force-displacement values of each of the microswitches are not affected by the temperature, so the results obtained are quite similar between the initial and the final measurements, with little deviation. In relation to the electrical characterization at 40K, the resistance values stay reasonably steady during the whole period of the test, even in the cryogenic temperature range, only being affected by the switching cycles.


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