Project for Energy Storage on a Chip for MEMS

source: FEEC Brno University of Technology, EPCI e-Symposium


A new project with a budget of 262 thousands Euro was motivated by the lack of micromachined energy storage solutions that can be integrated with a MEMS harvester on a chip with a specific circuitry. These key components of the system are highly needed for autonomous microsystems and have to be integrated to enable an energy-autonomous, but efficient operation The targeted energy storage device needs to be charged very slowly from harvesters with output energies in the μWs range. As a consequence, tailored materials and technologies for the realization of thin-film capacitors compatible with CMOS technology are of utmost importance. Target capacitance value about one hundred μF/cm2, low loss factor and low leakage currents are the expected properties of these devices.


Title: Project for Energy Storage on a Chip for MEMS
Author(s): Hubálek1, M. Schneider1,2, R. Hrdý1, J. Prášek1, U. Schmid1,2
1Centre SIX, Department of Microelectronics, FEEC, Brno University of Technology, Technická 3058/10, 616 00 Brno, Czech Republic
2 Institute of Sensor and Actuator Systems, TU Wien, Gusshausstrasse 27-29, Vienna, Austria
Symposium: 1st PCNS Passive Components Networking Days, 12-15th Sep 2017, Brno, Czech Republic
Reference: paper 5.4.  Application Session., PCNS2017 Proceedings Pg.113-116
ISBN: 978-80-905 768-8-9
e-Sessions  Applications: Commercial
e-Sessions Scope Components: Capacitors
e-Sessions Topics: Materials, Technology

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