The 2020 Top Technology Trends in GaN Power

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GaN Systems Looks Ahead to 2020 Game-Changing Technologies Associated With Power Electronics

For the past several decades, the subject of ‘power’ has been consistently viewed as a challenge focused primarily on the incremental improvement – be that by technology, by government regulations, or by shifting consumer behavior. Much attention has been paid to how the energy we use is generated, and rightly so. Energy production is one of the world’s largest sources of carbon emissions. As 2020 approaches, the issues around energy efficiency are significantly more prevalent, persuasive, and urgent than they were just twelve months ago. It is now a major impetus for global change – social, economic, and technological. 

Data and energy are the acknowledged fuels for global economic growth. And the demand for both is increasing at unprecedented levels. Data consumption is at an all-time high with millions of global data centers producing 2.5 quintillion bytes of data daily and a predicted 5X growth in just five to seven years. And those data centers use an astronomical 416 terawatt hours of electricity annually to keep up with that demand. The global demand for electricity has grown by nearly one-third over the past decade. Industry analysts predict that there will be a 57% increase in global electricity demand by 2050. 

Energy efficiency is now a strategic initiative in increasingly power-reliant industries such as data centers, electric vehicles, renewable energy systems, industrial motors, and consumer electronics. How businesses choose to generate, store, deliver, and use power will be an important impetus for global change in 2020. 

Over the past year, in conversations with corporate leaders, we at GaN Systems are more certain than ever before that yesterday’s silicon has reached its limits in solving critical power systems challenges. GaN (gallium nitride) technology is the clear and undisputed solution for driving more robust growth and product innovation, as well as enabling companies to elevate the conversation and engage more deeply in sustainability initiatives.  

As the year draws to a close, GaN Systems, the global leader of GaN power semiconductors, unveils the four trends for 2020 which we believe will have a major impact on the world’s power and energy footprint. 

Trend 1: Electric Vehicles

In 2019, it became increasingly clear that the near future of transportation revolves around electric vehicles, and in the longer term around autonomous vehicles that are also electric. Today, there are 5.1 million electric vehicles on global roads. Given the amount electricity needed as “fuel” for electric vehicles, the stage is set for a massive unfavorable hit to the global energy grid as 125 million electric vehicles are expected to be on the roads by 2035. The evolution of the design of Chargers and Traction Inverters will play a major role in automotive design studios in 2020, and then onto the public roads in the years following. In order to address the long-standing issue of ‘range anxiety,’ the number of public electric charging stations will continue to grow, with an increasing focus on solar power and plug standardization.

In 2020, GaN Systems predicts: 

Trend 2: 5G Rollout Will Accelerate in 2020

In 2019, the 5G rollout was slower than expected, primarily due to the issues around communications service providers (CSPs) upgrading 4G infrastructure within 5G areas of coverage. Nevertheless, according to Gartner research, 5G services have already begun the U.S., South Korea, and some European countries, including Switzerland, Finland and the U.K.                        

In China, 5G commercial services are now available in 50 cities, including Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou and Shenzhen, according to Chinese state news agency Xinhua. In Shanghai, nearly 12,000 5G base stations have been activated to support 5G coverage across the city’s key outdoor areas. CSPs in Canada, France, Germany, Hong Kong, Spain, Sweden, Qatar, and the United Arab Emirates have announced plans to accelerate 5G network building through 2020. As a result, Gartner estimates that 7% of CSPs worldwide have already deployed 5G infrastructure in their networks. 

In 2020, GaN Systems predicts: 

TREND 3: Renewables and Energy Storage

In 2019, renewable energy production has not yet met the mainstream milestone of 24/7 availability. That said, the social attitudes, local policies, and consumer awareness are in place to push this imperative forward with the urgency that it requires. Across the globe, there needs to be a focused and disciplined mandate to address climate change, pollution, and the unreliability of energy grids. 

In 2020, GaN Systems predicts:

TREND 4:  Power Adapters and Power Chargers: Higher Power and the Rise Of USB-C + USB-PD 

In 2019, we witnessed GaN’s proliferation in the consumer electronics space with an abundance of smaller, lighter, and higher power adapters/chargers in the aftermarket. The tiny adapters had everyone’s attention as size and weights were decreased by 2X or 3X.

In 2020, GaN Systems predicts:

Conclusion: Meeting These Challenges with GaN Technology

At the core of these 2020 trends is the undeniable need for new ways of addressing growing global power consumption and delivery. Power cannot be viewed as an endless resource that comes out of a plug in a wall. There are many questions over the next twelve months and coming years that will arise in regard to electrical power: How do we meet the power demands of all the technology that surrounds us 24/7? And, how do we do that in a way that is both economically and socially responsible?

We can not endlessly shift the CO2 emissions and pollution problems across industries, geographies and future generations. Doing so solves nothing on a global level.  And we must do so using less materials by making products dramatically smaller and lighter – using less to accomplish the job.

Power semiconductor companies must take the lead in providing the technology for new power system design approaches. Businesses must take the responsibility for bringing attention to power expertise inside their own companies. Removing the limitations of yesterday’s silicon – by using GaN power transistors – will enable enterprise organizations to usher in entirely new energy efficient systems and products capable of transforming the future.

In 2020, looking at products in the market and next generation products in development using GaN technology, we can clearly see that GaN has become the basic building block of power efficiency proliferating through all the power systems of the world.  

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