Wk 43 Electronics Supply Chain Digest

Electronics Supply Chain Weekly Digest 10-25-24.

DATAPOINT OF THE WEEK: S&P reported US Oct mfg flash PMI of 47.8 vs 47.3 in Sep reflecting a continued decline in output and new orders, albeit at a moderating pace compared to Sep. 

S&P noted inventory of finished goods rose for the fourth consecutive month keeping the forward-looking order-to-inventory ratio at one of the lowest levels seen since the global financial crisis, signaling continued production weakness near term.

S&P reported Eurozone Oct flash mfg PMI of 45.9 vs 45.0 in Sep reflecting a continued notable decline in activity, albeit at a moderating pace M/M. S&P noted employment in Europe’s mfg sector declined for the third month running and business confidence dropped for the fifth consecutive month to the lowest of the year.







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