Smoltek’s New Zapping Method Accelerates CNF-MIM Capacitors Development

Smoltek innovative “zapping” method drastically reduces development time and costs, enabling us to advance CNF-MIM silicon wafer based capacitor technology faster and making Smoltek Semi’s technology even more attractive to potential buyers.

While seeking buyers for our CNF-MIM technology, we continue to refine our offerings. Recently, we’ve made significant progress by tripling the capacitance density of our CNF-MIM capacitors while halving the leakage current with a new dielectric stack.

To put this in perspective for non-experts, increased capacitance density means a greater ability to store energy in the form of electric charge within the same volume. Similarly, reduced leakage current means that the loss of stored energy is reduced, making our capacitors more efficient.

Such advancements boost the appeal of our technology to potential buyers. However, breakthroughs require extensive experimentation. To minimize time-to-market, we need rapid experiment setup capabilities. Manufacturing full CNF-MIM capacitors is time-consuming and costly. For quicker turnaround, we use parallel plate capacitors – simpler and cheaper to produce. Now, Smoltek Semi researchers have further accelerated and economized this process.

Parallel plate capacitors as proxies

A parallel plate capacitor is the simplest form of capacitor: two metal plates separated by an insulator. CNF-MIM capacitors share this basic structure, but add carbon nanofibers to increase the metal surface area many times over. Both types consist of parallel metal surfaces separated by a dielectric stack of uniform thickness.

We manufacture parallel plate capacitors using the same methods and materials as CNF-MIM capacitors, including creating them on a silicon wafer substrate. The only difference is that we omit the carbon nanofiber steps for parallel plate capacitors. This similarity in production methods, minus the nanofibers, makes parallel plate capacitors excellent substitutes for testing CNF-MIM technology, as they mimic CNF-MIM capacitors while being simpler and quicker to produce.

Simplifying electrode access

Connecting an electrostatic capacitor requires access to both metal plates, each of which is called an electrode in this context. The top electrode is easily accessible, but the bottom electrode poses challenges. It’s covered by the top electrode and the dielectric stack, and can’t be accessed from below due to the substrate.

Previously, creating an electrical connection to the bottom electrode required several complex steps. Now, Smoltek Semi researchers use a method we call ”zapping” that significantly simplifies this process. While not a novel technique in itself, it’s new for us to apply it in this context. The zapping method involves applying a brief, high voltage across specific contact points on a test capacitor, creating a controlled breakdown in the insulating layer. This technique eliminates the need for multiple complex etching steps, significantly streamlining the testing process.

For those unfamiliar with electrical engineering, imagine trying to connect a wire to the bottom of a stack of sandwiches without disturbing the top layers. The old method was like carefully cutting through each layer to reach the bottom. The new zapping method is more like using a focused beam of energy to instantly melt a tiny, precise hole through the layers. This approach is much faster and causes minimal disruption to the overall structure, as it affects only a very small, controlled area.

It’s worth noting that zapping is a development tool that simplifies CNF-MIM capacitor characterization. It’s not intended for actual capacitor production.

Why zapping matters

Zapping reduces several fabrication steps for test capacitors, shortening iteration time from a month to a week. This acceleration allows more frequent testing of new configurations, speeding up research and optimization. It enables rapid evaluation of materials and design parameters, focusing efforts on critical components like the dielectric stack without lengthy production cycles.

Business impact

Zapping enhances Smoltek’s position by making development more cost-efficient and rapid. It reduces R&D expenses, allowing more experiments and technology refinement without overspending. This accelerated pace enables quicker delivery of preliminary results to potential partners, maintaining their engagement and interest.

In negotiations, demonstrating high-performing, cost-effective technology development makes Smoltek a more attractive partner. While zapping isn’t used in final production, the ability to iterate quickly ensures a reliable, scalable end product – key considerations for potential customers seeking easily integrated solutions.

Investor perspective

For shareholders, zapping translates into a clear advantage: faster development cycles mean a shorter time-to-market for breakthroughs, such as tripling the capacitance density and halving the leakage current, making CNF-MIM capacitors even more attractive to buyers.

Accelerating smart development

Zapping significantly reduces development time and costs, enabling faster iteration and maintaining our commercialization trajectory. It’s a pragmatic approach that bolsters our market position and enhances our appeal to potential buyers.

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