Source: WE online video Lorandt Foelkel in its next #askLorandt session explains the difference between standard and high frequency chip bead...
Read moreDetailsLorandt Foelkel explains you an 100 W Wireless Power Transfer Experiment and talks about WPT Coils and their characteristics. Wireless...
Read moreDetailsPractice-oriented webinar video by Würth Elektronik dedicated to electronics developers, hardware developers or hardware designers with basics of analog electronics and...
Read moreDetailsLorandt explains how easy it is to calculate the inductor for a DCDC buck converter and also the total losses...
Read moreDetailsLorandt, Würth Elektronik explains the temperature dependence of inductor saturation current in an example of a power inductor. First he...
Read moreDetailsLorandt explains what the rated current of a power inductor is, and also how the rated current is measured at...
Read moreDetailsLorandt explains the inrush capability of the chip bead ferrites Würth Elektronik eiSos WE-MPSB series, and how the peak pulse...
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