Many state of the art WPT/NFC systems do not work simultaneously. WE presents different ways to enable simultaneous WPT and...
Read moreDetailsFor over a decade, graphene has been the most favourable 2D material for the transport of the spin information. However,...
Read moreDetailsLinear variable differential transformers (LVDT) are an electromechanical transducers that senses the mechanical displacement of a core and produces a...
Read moreDetailsFlat wire, “one turn” inductor construction design, enables high efficiency at large currents ideal for high switching frequency applications. Kemet...
Read moreDetailsIn this video you'll learn about the latest IC trends and how to optimize your design for a transformer. We...
Read moreDetailsMobile-phone chargers and other devices could become much smaller after an all-RIKEN team of physicists successfully shrunk an electrical component...
Read moreDetailsNanocrystals are crystals measuring less than 100 nanometers in at least one dimension. The smallest fundamental component of a nanocrystal...
Read moreDetailsPublished in Nature magazine, Yokouchi et al. researchers report a quantum-mechanical inductor, called an emergent inductor, that uses the electric...
Read moreDetailsFor some the words solenoid and relay conjure visions of an ancient electromechanical world now replaced by all-electronic devices, smart...
Read moreDetailsThe apparent simplicity of inductors is acutely counterbalanced by the complexity of the science and physics that underlay their operation....
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