24th Annual Components for Military & Space Electronics Virtual Conference held April 19-23, 2021 is the premier event focused on the design, reliability, and application of electronic components for use in avionics, aerospace, military, and commercial space systems. Tutorials this year are à la carte, so pick the topic(s) that interests you and sign up! All tutorials will be recorded so if you can’t make the live presentation you can still sign up and gain all the same knowledge!
The CMSE Mission:
Deliver a low cost, virtual conference experience focused on high quality technical talks, keynotes and panel discussions that foster maximum attendee participation/interaction and furthers our collective understanding of the technical challenges faced in our industry. Showcase the supplier base to the greatest extend possible. Educate the industry, especially young component engineers, in order to secure the future defense of our country.
The Program:
- Keynote talks by industry leaders
- Over 35 technical presentations by industry experts with Q&A
- Focused panel discussion on topics such as; use of alternate grade parts for mil and space
- Vendor presentations and virtual exhibits
- Cutting edge tutorials
CMSE Agenda and Advanced Program is available here
Take advantage of our industry’s experts and gain the knowledge you need to be better at your job. Join our tutorials and learn more about military aerospace industry components:
Tutorial #1 / $375.00
(Monday, 4/19 – 1030-1400)
Thermal Materials and Testing: Key Solutions for Mil/Aerospace Electronics Systems

Dave Saums, DS&A
LLCA major failure mechanism for electronic systems is inadequate heat dissipation, both from individual components and at the system level. Heat is the single largest cause of failure, with vibration and dust and other environmental factors as examples of other factors. Understand the issues and learn how to mitigate…
(Monday, 4/19 – 1400-1730)
Overview of Microelectronic Component Specs for Military and Space Electronics
This three-hour tutorial is scheduled for Monday, April 19 and is free of charge to anyone registered for the Conference…come and learn.
Lawrence Harzstark, Aerospace
Peter Majewicz, NASA Goddard
Ron Demcko, AVX
This three-hour overview class is intended to focus on the myriad of specs available to component engineers working the field of microelectronics. There are many legacy and emerging mil and commercial specifications to select form and they can be very confusing and overwhelming to the inexperienced user…
FREE with the Conference !
Tutorial #3 / $375.00
(Friday, 4/23 – 1030-1400)
Volatiles Control in Hermetic Electronic Components

Thomas Green, TJ Green Associates, LLC
Robert Lowry, Electronics Materials Consultant
This tutorial includes a basic review of the Mil Spec test methods in place to prevent moisture related failures in hermetically sealed microelectronics where functional reliability is of utmost importance (e.g. IC’s, Hybrids and RF MMIC modules, MEMs/Sensors, Class III Medical Implants, etc.). As shown in the photo silver dendrites are a well known moisture related failure mechanism. The course is intended to enlighten the student on the negative, and sometimes catastrophic consequences of too much moisture or other harmful gasses inside a hermetic enclosure. The class begins with a definition of hermeticity and a description of the latest hermeticity test methods in MIL-STD-883 TM 1014, including the standard helium-based methods, plus the new Condition A5 along with Optical Leak Test (OLT) techniques, Kr-85 and other methods. The latest developments in TM 1018 IGA (Internal Gas Analysis) and revised criteria will be discussed.
Tutorial #4 / $375.00
(Friday, 4/23 – 1400-1730)
Capacitor Reliability Seminar

Dr. Yuri Freeman, KEMET
Ron Demcko, AVX
The Passive Component Reliability Workshop course will be presented in three sessions covering capacitors, inductors and resistors.This tutorial will be presented in two sections. The first 90 minutes covers tantalum & electrolytic capacitors presented by Dr. Yuri Freeman. The second half of the session covers a wide range of technologies ranging from ceramic to film, stacked modules and SuperCaps presented by Ron Demcko…